Friday, September 26, 2008

Serieel Beeld, Further

Serieel Beeld, about

I am talking about similarity, which exist in every peace of reality.
For example, atom is reduced copy of galaxy. I see similarity of every process everywhere. Like in my first series from 6 pics, I show 3 different similarities: line of trees – line of men, face of human – face in not live nature, creature of man – creature of insect. From this pictures follows that I contrast human with nature (live n. as an insect [animal], half live n. as a tree, not live n. as a metal [could be stone etc.])
Of course this contradiction is subjective, and classification live/not live is not evidential at all […who knows which substance is more alive?..]

Of course it is too much of talking and not possible to get a full picture of the subject… But I could try to speak about a part of it in my work.
I’ll try to speak about similarity of man and animal (could be an insect, a bird as well). Why I am speaking about it? This subject is very interesting for me: very scaring I must say…

When I am staring for long in a mirror I see the monkey in my face. In a face of one friend of mine I saw a pig. One woman whom I know is crying as a coke when she is stressed…
I am afraid of animalization of human, and I like to see a humans sides in animals. In this sentence animalization is a synonymous of crudity and destructivity. Human sides – synonymous of creativity and charity [goodness?]
It’s better to start from one side of this idea. So, my subject could be named Animalization: it is about human degradation, which I am really afraid of.

Serieel Beeld, First steps

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

3-D Beeld Сollage

3-D Beeld Сollage#1

2-D Beeld #3

2-D Beeld #2

2-D Beeld

Apple memory (3-D#1)


N: Do you remember how we collected apples together?
M: Yes, I remember something…
N: And a pig after…
M: Yes, we were laughing a lot!
N: And a man on a bike, whom I gifted a huge apple…
M: Yes, I told you that you gave him the best apple we had…
N: You know, our relationship is not ideal. We are not close, and not friends at all. For me communicate with you was always very difficult. You have to understand… parents/children problems…
M: For me it was also very difficult. I would like to know why…
N: And now I am far from home, far from you. I am studying, it’s very interesting here.
M: And?
N: Yes, and I have a task to draw a memory from the past. And you know, I’ve remembered that day in the camp, when we were collecting apples. Not our conflict and dispute, not bad things from the past, but apples. This is perhaps the most warmest and joyful from my memories about you, moment of our connection…
M: I understand…

Apple memory (Photo#2)

Apple memory (Photo#1)

Apple memory

Summer, hot, afternoon – very hot. Collection of apples in kolkhoz-garden near our pioneer camp. Surround of colors: yellow, red, green… in all possible nuances. Chirr of grasshoppers. Buzz of flies. Mother and girls are with me. Nervousness and fear of collective farmers.
Adventure and exciting happiness at the same time. We are together. It is so good to be together. Mother is very young, as one of the girls. Her laugh and confidence.
My apple is the sweetest, small, dusty, but sweetest. Dark bordeaux. The sweetest apples - from my tree! I am very proud.
The way back. Sack of apples with us. Rest under a tree. Shadow. Eating of apples and happy smiles.
Unity with mother, pride of having her…

Tuesday, September 2, 2008